Pure 3D Displays

No pre-rendered videos.
Customization is really very easy.
Can be finished for about 2 minutes after you choose your images.

All you need to to is to edit texts, logo, and to replace images.

1. Edit texts
- just open 4 compositions in folder _TEXT [edit this] and change text.

2. Edit logo
- there is two compositions with logo: logo(logo+text) and logo2 (just logo image)
Just place your images in these two compositions, maybe is much faster to edit files logo_psd and logo2.psd in Photoshop. Choose what is better for you.

3. Edit images 
There is 32 placeholders, and there is two ways to replace them with yours:

a.) fastest way: when you make your choice of 32 images, just rename them to 01.jpg 02.jpg ... 32.jpg and replace empty images in folder (Footage)\images_or_videos\ , than back to after effects and do purge (edit/purge/purge all) and new images will be visible in project.
If your images aren't 1920x1080 you'll need to manually adjust sizes in after effects - compositions in ae folder frames. So 1920x1080 is highly recommended, if you just overwrite my images 01.jpg - 32.jpg with your 1920x1080 - that's all! :)

b.) Second way: import your images or videos and one by one place into frames compositions:

4. Export final video
- choose you resolution from ae folder _RENDER, ctrl+m and setup your render settings and render.32 place-holders.

Click below to download.


(Direct Link, 19mb)


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